Sunday, October 11, 2009

what type of peole are we??

All Praise be to the one who Created us;
There are some who make His existence a fuss;
Those who disbelieve in Him,
they are in Loss;

In this life we have a test;
The question: whose fear of Allah is the best?
To worship him is our quest.

Time and Time again we are faced with situations;
In which we must make tough decisions;
Fools are we, we think we're so smart;
shaytan attacks us with many ideas like darts;
According to him, we plan and chart;
Not knowing that he is poisoning our hearts;
The time comes when we realize the mistake in our Parts;
One last chance!,
for some the tauba starts;

Even still,some don't ask of His Forgiveness;
They don't realize that they're in a big mess;
Never do they ask of Allah's Mercy;
They have eyes, but can they really see?;

There are also the righteous however;
Forget to ask Allah?, NEVER!;
They ask Allah in every endeavor;
To help them as part of His Favor;

Then, even if they are affected by Shaytans call;
They are not hurt by the hard fall;
They quickly get back up, standing tall;
Racing to gain forgiveness from The Merciful;
Allah promised to answer the caller's call;

Take a lesson from the fitra of the child;
With the lesson of walking they are trialed;
Yes, they do fall, but they are not beguiled;
They get back up and take a step;
Maybe again they accidentally trip;
But they stand up again and get a grip;

More and more steps take place;
Before you realize it, they are walking with so much grace;
An example for us, as we grow in our age and Deen;
Like the baby, hard challenges we have seen;
As the baby walks with so much grace;
We should also pick up our pace;

We are travelers, there is no question;
To Allah is our ultimate destination!
May the Prayers and blessings of Allah be on His beloved;
and on the companions who prayed and strived;
That the Deen of Allah might be carried on to those who came later;
On high thrones will they be raised in the hereafter.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

pesan dari alam barzakh

Diceritakan bahawa ada seorang perempuan ahli ibadah yang sudah mencapai tingkat tinggi. Entah siapa nama sebenar, tapi orang ramai biasa memanggilnya Bahiyah. Dia sangat istiqamah dan rajin mengerjakan ibadah sama ada yang sunat apalagi yang wajib. Setiap hari sentiasa duduk di tikar sembahyangnya menuggu waktu solat sambil berzikir, membaca Al-Quran ataupun solat sunat.

Apabila merasa ajalnya hampir tiba, dia mengangkat tangannya ke langit dan berdoa: “Wahai Tuhanku! Wahai Tuhanku yang selalu aku kenang! Wahai Tuhan tempatku mengadu! Wahai Tuhan tempatku berpegang di kala hidupku dan dikala matiku! Janganlah Engkau hinaku di saat-saat kematian, dan jangan pula Engkau takutkan aku di dalam kuburku!”

Doa yang selalu diucapkannya penuh khusyuk dan sungguh-sungguh. Tiada berapa lama selepas itu dia pun wafat, meninggalkan dunia yang fana ini menjumpai Tuhan tempatnya berpegang. Anak lelakinya tergolong anak yang soleh. Dia sentiasa berziarah dan mendoakan ibunya yang telah berada di alam baqa’. Setiap malam dan hari jumaat anak yang soleh itu pergi ke kubur ibunya dan membacakan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran, kemudian berdoa memintakan ampun untuk ibunya dan kaum muslimin yang lain.


ptptn -'='-

huhu,,akhirnya...lpas jgak pt aku..haha..
da la wat men2,last minute plak tu..
dengan bntuan nana & fatin yg tlg wat sume..
trmsuk ssun kts,crikan cop& len2...
alhamdulillah...lps gak..
tggu kemain lme,,g kol 3,hbis kol 7,,wat hri sabtu..
skali hari ahad x de org lgsg..haha...
mmg menyirap r...klu tau da lame g hri ahd...
hri sbtu mmg bz...aku na blik bilik,,skali knci x bwa..
na g pt dgn pkai suar tracksuit sume,siap pkai sipe g..
mmg fatin & nana xley dok diam r kan..
dworg g pnjm kast ngan suar utk aku..hehe...
aku da hbis pt bru tau bdk blik smpan kunci kat tmpat kst 2 je...
aarghh..klu tau...mmg...ei...gram tol...
yg pentg skrg wit msuk..hehe..(".)


mmg mencucuk hati dan prsaan btl tgk gambr ni..
harap ade ksdaran brsama..(",)